Emotional Drugs Denial
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This latest campaign from The Partnership at Drugfree.org (formerly the Partnership for a Drug-Free America) takes a classic ad gimmick of role reversal to make parents culpable for their children’s drug use. Never mind that the mom appears to be zoned out on OxyContin to begin with — but even non-baked parents have a hard time telling if their kids are into recreational drugs. It doesn’t mean that they shouldn’t try to be good influences who talk openly with their kids about the social and health hazards of the choices they make. But the most overprotective parents, in my own experience, were the ones whose kids were most out of control as soon as they were out of sight of home.
последняя компания от The Partnership at Drugfree.org использует классический пример того, что родители имеют вину в наркозависимости своих детей. В ролике мать закрывает глаза на шалости детей, которые далее приводят к трагичным последствиям. 

The Partnership at Drugfree.org (formerly the Partnership for a Drug-Free America) 
Energy BBDO
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